You would like to start your OHM with a health day or want your employees to be attentive to company intern health offers? We are pleased to help you in planning organizing as well as implementing your health day.
Take a look at the following offer and don’t hesitate contacting us.
Health days are all about being active. Let your employees prepare their own power snack. Playfully, we reveal were sugars and fats are hidden and what makes Superfood healthy food.
- Powerpoint FITAL
- Sugar- and fat game
- Nutrition memory game
- Cooking workshop

Make your employees move. Let them feel how pleasant sports can be. Whether active pauses, taster classes of yoga or a fitness test – FITALMANAGEMENT offers a diverse choice of activities.
- Active pause
- FMS – Functional Movement Screen
- Taster classes of Pilates, Yoga and many more
- FITALPARK: Coordination games, speed-stacking, slackline, ball games and many more
- Workshops/lectures: e.g. “Bewegung im Alltag leicht gemacht – How to move in your daily life“
© Syda Productions / fotolia
Your employees are stressed from their daily work? Give them the chance to find out what’s their individual method to relax.
- Taster classes of Yoga, Pilates and many more
- Taster classes of progressive muscle relaxation after Jacobsen (PMR), autogenic training and many more
• Workshops/lectures about stress management, life balance and many more
Guest lectures
In their entertaining and interesting way, our experts give you thought-provoking impulses. Subjects such as the working world 4.0 or healthy nutrition are conveyed with humor and provoke rethinking. Our renowned network of experts leaves nothing to be desired.
- Sports and nutrition
- Awareness and resilience
- Life balance
- Neurobiology of trust
- How does innovation arise?
- and many more