On October 8th, the Dürr AG employees experienced special day focussing on health. The program contained various information, action and lectures. Our 14 people FITALMANAGEMENT team designed a great offer for the employees: light summer rolls and self-made powerball-pralinés complemented the cafeteria’s menu perfectly. Those who were hungry for activity fully enjoyed the FITALPARK tried their first steps on a slackline, enjoyed SpeedStacking against the time or even played ping pong – co-workers suddenly became challengers. Dürr himself published on his website:
Bietigheim-Bissingen, 10/08 2015 – Movement, balanced diet, awareness for the body’s signals: some resolutions come off badly in one’s daily life. This is why the mechanical and plant engineer devoted a whole day to the topic of health. In Bietigheim-Bissingen on thursday, under the heading “Healthy and fit“, about 2000 employees could inform and check themselves. From endurance training to water tasting, a great offer was given.
To the Dürr Company, Health Provision is key. Every year, the company therefore spends half a million Euros on its company intern social budget that finances health and sports offers for employees. “We want Dürr to be both, high in technologic innovation and high in our employees well-being. Our social budget gives us a pioneering role“ says Bernhard Rothenbücher, health responsible for Dürr.
The social budget also financed the first health day. Every employee could use two hours of his or her work hours in order to benefit from the offered trainings and lectures. For example, endurance and flexibility check-ups have been offered as well as measurements of muscle tensions and blood pressure. At the power station, diet tips were given, coordination exercises were exercised in the FITALPARK. Patric Heizmann, well-known fitness coach, entertainer and book writer, was on stage. Dürr’s chief executive Ralf W. Dieter stressed the meaning of health for the company: “Our employees should feel good. That’s the only way they can be satisfied and efficient. In this we invest a lot.“
http://www.durr.com/de/presse/ad-hoc-und-pressemitteilungen-duerr-ag/pressemitteilungen/gesundheitstag-bei-duerr/ (20.10.15)